Koshun Pallets Services Additional services
Additional services
Great number of good that Ukraine exports is transported in wooden packaging and containers. Nevertheless, not all containers are a good fit for export abroad. IPPC mark – wood heat treatment.
According to the requirements of the International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures No 15 (ISPM-15), wooden pallets and european pallets must be sterilized.

Two forms of sterilization are provided for wooden packaging, heat treatment and chamber drying. Heat treatment is the most common form of wood sterilization. During this procedure, euro pallets receive the special certification symbol “IPPC”, which looks like an ear of wheat. This certification symbol indicates:
- ISO country code
- unique certification number issued to the treatment provider
- treatment applied to the wood packaging material

Our company provides heat treatment services in compliance with the requirements of ISPM-15. Heat treatment of wood and saw timber ensures the death of wood-borne pests and that the threat of bugs has been eliminated.
Also, treatment to the ISPM 15 standard is accompanied with a stamp or marking on the sides of the pallet. When pallets are treated, the stamp is made with the help of the paint or fire. Only after previous treatment and marking are wooden pallets ready for use and transit packaging.
Chamber drying not only helps to sterilize the wood but also reduces its humidity. This form of treatment takes place in special chambers. These accommodations have all conditions for moisture evaporation: heat, warm air, mixture of air and chamber gases and steam.

Chamber drying reduces the duration of wood drying substantially, regardless of the season, climate and weather conditions. It allows one to dry wood to any preferred level of humidity, manage drying process effectively, eliminate funguses, insects and their larvae.
Chambers has all preconditions for regulating temperature and lateral air movement, and so wood can be dried fast. Duration of chamber drying varies depending on the type of wood. Coniferous boards, which are 25mm and 50mm thick, require 3 to 6 days, and oak boards of the identical thickness require 14 to 28 days.
Our company carries out wood utilization. If you have wood and wooden pallets that need utilization, we will help you with pleasure.
If you have an experience of dealing with used wooden pallets, the chances are high that you have already faced some typical issues. After multiple use of pallets, the most common problems appear:
- The need for constant sorting
- Multiple damages that demand repair
- Need for utilization of unrepairable pallets
Koshun Pallets company offers quick and economical solution for both pallet manufacturers and users of all types of pallets. Because of the efforts of Koshun Pallets company, you can use your damaged pallets again!
Koshun Pallets has over 20 years of experience in wooden pallet production. Thanks to our profound knowledge in this field we consult our clients on matters related to pallets and our additional services. Contact us to receive more information about our pallet services.
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CEO - Koshun Pallets +38 050 850 18 81 +38 050 375 27 00 +421 905 648 014
Contact me through messenger comfortable for you:
Are you planning to export your goods?
Do you need a certified ISO and ISMTP-15 compliant container?
Do you need to service your pallet park?
You need to know this so that no one will cheat you by selling you poor quality pallets (new second-class pallets are cheating)